Four individual newsitems. One item specifically focuses on World War I: the 60th anniversary of the Armistice is being commemorated in the presence of Prince Karel and mayor Jan Piers in Ostend. They...
When shortly after the end of the Second World War the Cold War began, the natural scientist Albert Schweitzer showed the world what humanity means in his jungle hospital in Lambarene, Gabun. With his...
Comedy about a father-son conflict set in a family business. Several generations of Mullers are fighting each other in this complex story about a family business whose main branch is about to go bel...
On Whit Weekend, millions of Europeans take to the streets to enjoy a short vacation in the spring air. The film shows the freedom of Western Europeans to organize their own leisure time, in stark con...
The film outlines the state of transportation in post-war Europe and the progress being made in rebuilding and modernizing roads, airports and the rail network. National initiatives and Marshall Plan ...
The Prince and the Dybbuk Documentary film about the Polish-Jewish filmmaker Michał Waszyński, who in the 1930s was one of the most renowned and productive directors in Poland. One of his most fam...
Documentary film about Merce Cunningham and his groundbreaking choreographies that fundamentally influenced modern dance. Cunningham, one of the pioneers of the American avant-garde movement after the...
Film adaption of Robert Seethaler’s novel of the same name published in 2012. It focuses on 17-year-old Austrian Franz Huchel, who moves from his hometown to Vienna not long before the outbreak of t...
Screenshot from "Heimkehr"
Screenshot from "Zwei blaue Jungen"
Screenshot from "John Bull"
Screenshot from "Fürstliches Familienglück"
Dagny Servaes, Ernst Hoffmann
Screenshot from "Heimkehr"
Stilll with Rudolf Biebrach (third from the right)
Neutral Film, Die Welt ohne Hunger, Lichtbildbühne, 48, (1918), S. 3.
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 562, (1917), S. 28. Der Film "Der papierene Peter" wird als humorvoll und originell bewertet und werde seinem Zwecke gerecht.
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 559, (1917), S. 12-13. Rezension des von der Bufa herausgebrachten Films über den U-Boot-Krieg.
Julius Urgiss, Hindenburg, dem Förderer der Lichtbildkunst, Der Kinematograph, 561, (1917), S. 12-13. Lob des Generalfeldmarschalls für seinen Einsatz zugunsten des Mediums Film. Hervorgehoben wird ...
Deutsche Lichtbild Gesellschaft e.V., Die Arbeit unserer Heimarmee, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 11.
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 586, (1918), S. 28ff. Besprochen werden gleich zwei Propagandafilme zur achten Kriegsanleihe. "Lloyd George in Berlin" wird als äußer...
Messter Film GmbH, Luftkämpfe. Ein Tag bei einer Jagdstaffel im Westen, Der Kinematograph, 557, (1917), S. 3.
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 473, (1916), S. 17-20. Bericht über Neuerscheinungen auf dem Filmmarkt. Bei zwei der behandelten Filme handelt es sich um Krimis, vier Komöd...